Family Day brings back so many fuzzy memories, doesn't it? The traditional Family Day Eve dinner of one (1) bucket of chicken and water; listening to classic Family Day carols by Sister Sledge and Mike and The Mechanics; gathering around the television to watch a midnight showing of Eight Is Enough. Priceless memories.
While you casually toss your Family Day Knickers on the sofa, waiting for the Genealogy Monkey to fill it with gifts of oranges and disposable cameras - please spare a thought for those who have no-one to make them feel like a failure.
The only reward afforded these poor unfortunates is a paid day off from work.
Help make someone's Family Day complete.
Anonymously email someone and tell them they have wasted their potential.
Randomly phone people and ask why they haven't given you grandchildren.
Tell folks you've just met that they drink to much and passive aggressively mention interventions.
Start arguments with complete strangers over what you'll get in the will when their parents die.
This Family Day, bring Christian charity to those in need. It starts with you!
(please note: family is defined as one father, one mother and at least one offspring - all others need not apply)
Happy family day to you too!
Who are "The Reeds"? They are not attractive...
Just the ugliest family I could find on the internet ... that's who!
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