Throughout history, many important men have owned pet monkeys. When Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to that church door in Wittenberg, he did so with a chimp named Brendan at his side.
Sir Winston Churchill would unwind after a long day of inspiring Britons during The Blitz with a cigar, a snifter of brandy and a Barbary Ape named, ironically, Adolph.
Abraham Lincoln had a spider monkey named Herb. Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves. Ergo, if you don't let me have a pet monkey, you are pro-slavery.
It is simple, unassailable logic.
Also, many great fictional characters had monkey pets/friends. The Clint Eastwood character had Clyde in Any Which Way But Loose. Homer had Mojo in an episode of The Simpsons. Ross had a hairy, inhuman partner in Friends. Plus he also had Maurice the Monkey.
As you know from the last bachelor party I threw, I am not an unreasonable man. All firearms were discharged out of doors with one execption -- and I maintain that instance was the fault of flaming sambuca, a tray of butter tarts and the Mayor's sudden pantlessness. So I am willing to compromise and allow any pet simians I may own to be trained as helper monkeys. This would be a great help to you, Barbara, as you are ... ahem ... frequently incapacitated by grape-based beverages.
And Joan ... well ... you're no spring chicken.
We are also frequently plagued by black-outs in this area. For entertainment, we have to resort to board games by candlelight and listening the CBC on a battery powered radio. If I had a pet monkey, however, we could get him loaded for our amusement.
Drunk Monkey is incredibly fun to say. Try it now. Say it with me ... drunk monkey ... that WAS fun, wasn't it? I think it may be the double "unk" sound.
I'll wager my last pair of clean underpants that an actual drunken money would be one hundred times more fun. We could watch him reel around the room, confused by his condition. We could watch him swing from light fixtures, wearing a lampshade as a hat in a humourous fashion. We could watch him sit and stare forlornly into his drink, beating himself up with bitter self-recriminations of lost love, wasted talent and failed opportunities.
In short, Barb and Joan, it would be sheer folly NOT to let me have a pet monkey. I shall name him Hilton Langley.
And I promise to clean up any feces he may fling -- after it dries up and becomes more manageable.
P.S. I've missed you too, dear reader. I've been working like a dog lately. A Border Collie, in fact, who rounds up theatre patrons, removes their drinks from their hands (ironic, no?) and makes them sit down and enjoy a show.
Hilton after my grandfather and Langley after the monorail swindler from the Simpsons? Just a guess.
Don't ask me ... Last night you agreed to let me have a pet monkey if we named it Hilton Langley, you Drunken Sociopath.
Harsh. And I don't think that's true - if I agreed to let you have a pet monkey if we named him Hilton Langley, why did you write letter?
Don't use your logic Kung Fu on me, woman. We're getting a monkey! WOO-HOO!!!
Do you have a video recording of me saying we can get a monkey, cause I'm pretty sure you thinking I said it while we were both drunk won't hold up in court.
If you get a monkey, I'm calling it George. That's all there is to it. Or maybe Lord Fitzroy, it's up to me.
You're not the boss of me…
Hee hee. monkeys.
@NAB - I may not be the boss of you, but I am certainly the boss of any monkey(s) I may acquire.
@Jennifer - Monkeys are no laughing matter.
I beg to differ. Did you watch the video? Cause. um. ya.
heehee. monkeys.
You may own a monkey, you may keep a monkey, hell, you may even be loved by a monkey. But you can never truly be the boss of a monkey — a monkey is his own man.
I am positive it is the double Unk sound...just putting it out there...
TAH, how come no new entries? Your public needs you. Is it because of your mouth pain? Maybe you should try getting wacked out on goofballs if it would help. We miss you baby!
I AM whacked out on Goofballs. Goofballs don't inspire creativity. Somehow, Asian Pornography, Booze, Silk Underpants and Pot do. I had to get back to what I know.
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