I, Sarah Palin, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.
God help us all.
Someday they'll proudly put this image on a stamp. I'm sure of it.
Or maybe on the soon to be issued American 10 million dollar bill that should be worth roughly the same amount as what that guy paid for his six pack and pack of smokes. Although to be fair, things are more expensive in Alaska.
Someday they'll proudly put this image on a stamp. I'm sure of it.
Or maybe on the soon to be issued American 10 million dollar bill that should be worth roughly the same amount as what that guy paid for his six pack and pack of smokes. Although to be fair, things are more expensive in Alaska.
Note to self, don't double click.
Fuck...America is gross.
while it should not detract from the meaning of this entry, please, in the interests of factual accuracy, note that this image is a photoshopped one... I'm not sayin, just sayin :)
I do certainly hope that enough people catch on to the fact that living across the Bering Strait and being governor do not really qualify as 'foreign policy experience'... now if it were high level meetings with the Asian hookers down in Richmond BC concerning an arrangement to keep the miners and drillers of Alaska sassified, then you're talkin...
Well. as long as it is the interests of factual accuracy ... Yeah, I knew it was fake. I did my research.
I actually had an internal debate about posting it. Then I remembered I wasn't wearing my journalist hat. I was wearing a jaunty smart-assed liberal chapeau.
I agree with your above points, though. I've pimped Russian strippers to the Alberta oil sands but I'd consider myself to be Secretary of State material at best.
Nice tits. Shame about her legs..LOL
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